
Social Media Policy

MRD aims to be a safe an inclusive space for all of our members and the wider roller derby community. As such we feel this responsibility also encompasses our public social media pages.
MRD will not tolerate offensive or 'trolling' posts or links on our public social media pages. Whereas we do not look to censor comments and discussion, if posts are reported to MRD as offensive or 'trolling' we will seek to rectify this through the following process.
1. We will delete offensive or trolling comments and message the person who posted with a clear explanation as to why this post has been deleted.
2. If the post is considered hate speech or a more serious offensive/discriminatory post or the person persists with offensive or 'trolling' posts we will block them.
This is common practice in most social media groups from individuals who break the group rules, we just want to ensure all are aware of this very simple process.